Real Estate Website
  • June 6, 2024
  • Reading time about 5 minutes

If you think having a real estate brokerage website is more than sufficient to attract potential clients, you might not be completely right. User experience is ruling almost every industry and dictating the UX/UI decisions for marketing. Driving traffic to a real estate brokerage website is a no-brainer. Any realtor can develop a basic real estate website, but it might fail to generate quality leads.

Imagine that you haven’t paid much attention to real estate website design, and a potential client just turned away from your business because the design was bulky, the structure was confusing, and the website was hard to navigate. With almost every home buyer and seller turning to the Internet to buy and sell properties, the importance of a robust real estate brokerage website is greater than ever.

This blog will discuss the need to upgrade your real estate brokerage website to generate more leads and successfully convert them.

Know Why You Need a Website Upgrade

How do you know if your real estate brokerage website needs an update? You must look out for these clear signs to know if it’s time.

1. Despite spending money on a real estate brokerage website, it’s not ranking on the first page of any search engine.

2. Users desert your website in the first few seconds.

3. Your real estate website design is bulky, and many mobile users can’t open the website without glitching.

4. There are no modern features such as interactive maps, virtual tours, and chatbots to entice users.

5. Users are unable to share their shortlisted properties on social media due to the lack of social media integration.

By now, you know the answer to why your real estate website needs to be upgraded.

If you answered no to any of these questions, your website needs an update.

Here’s what you can do for ultimate success:

Call-to-Actions and Quick Links

If you are building your website using a real estate website builder, ensure that they are providing you with well-placed call-to-actions and quick links to save visitors time. User engagement is at the top of every realtor’s priority list because it motivates them to move further in the marketing funnel. Instead of waiting for users to struggle to find the relevant details, offer them quick links to the contact page, property descriptions, and virtual tour to increase the chances of conversion. Relevant CTAs help users get to the section in which they are most interested, saving time and winning users by offering a seamless experience.

Provide Neighborhood Details

New-age homebuyers want to know it all before making the biggest decision of their lives. They spend a lot of time researching the area they want to buy a house in. You can ease their research journey by providing important details about the neighborhood. Just uploading the details isn’t sufficient; you must update them in a timely manner. You can provide details like nearby schools, parks, market reports, grocery stores, and distance from all important destinations.

Property Value Estimator

Many sellers aren’t sure what the right market value of their property is. They end up undervaluing or overvaluing their property. BidHom’s property value estimator is one such tool. This is one of the best ways to engage your potential clients and encourage them to move further in the process.

Work on Search Engine Optimization

It’s obvious for realtors not to have advanced knowledge of SEO. When you build your website using a real estate website builder like BidHom, you enjoy marketing automation. It allows you to launch highly personalized marketing campaigns and communications to feature higher in the search engine rankings.

High-Quality Photographs

It’s all about adding value to the user’s experience. Low-resolution images can turn away potential buyers. Larger files that take longer to load can deter visitors, so balance size and resolution without negatively affecting quality or loading speed. If property images aren’t formatted properly per the website layout and ruin the other elements of the webpage, you need to upgrade this aspect of your real estate brokerage website.

Modern Design and Layout

One thing that every realtor must bear in mind is that upgrading real estate brokerage websites doesn’t mean stuffing them with bulky designs. Modern designs are intuitive, with carefully chosen layouts, themes, and colors. These selections speak to a brand, making your business an instant favorite of potential clients. A visually unappealing layout will instantly put off the users. It is also to be ensured that the website can be translated into different languages, opening doors for potential clients worldwide.

Go for Content Refresh

Even if you’ve posted some informative blogs on your real estate brokerage website, there’s still a constant need to refresh the website and blog content to keep it relevant for the users. Keywords keep changing and require you to constantly enhance all the content marketing pieces.

Optimize Website for Mobile

It’s the age of smartphones. People like to explore the properties through their smartphones. If your real estate brokerage website isn’t compatible with other devices other than the web, it can emerge as one of the biggest negatives for your business. Make sure your website has a robust mobile version.

Start with BidHom

If you’re a hustling agent or broker thinking of upgrading your website, BidHom is your best bet. Our real estate website builder is advanced and allows you to customize your website to match your brand. With a variety of professional layouts and themes, BidHom ensures your site looks modern and attractive, providing a seamless user experience across all devices. Integrated SEO features and marketing tools will boost your visibility and engagement, driving more traffic and potential clients to your site. Are you ready to upgrade your real estate brokerage website? Try BidHom.